Thursday, October 30, 2008

wonderful date ~20th Oct 2008~

this is a significant date to remember. my favourite sor hai surprised me with a bouquet of flowers, great dinner and excellent quality time. the ride came on time for that wonderful date. barely settled down to fasten my seatbelt, at that spur of moment, was caught off-guard when sor hai screamed ... "surprise!!!". the flowers were nicely tucked at the back seat of the car and i should have known something was up when i first saw that funny grin on his face. the night ended well. more than what i've expected. very sweet. yup, will definitely remember.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

signs of biang

this is hilarious! i have not seen anything like this. it's in bahasa language. what happened to the translation "on-heat", "standing-heat" and "heat"??? hmmm ... let me try ... "pasang-haba", "berdiri-haba" and "membahang". hahaha!

note to cheekypau : when you see a cow or bull walking towards you in slow motion, RUN!!! on-heaaaaaaaat!!!